A theoretical physicist with a habit of doing experiments in biology.
I am trained in many mathematical disciplines including stochastic processes, information theory, and computational modelling. My experimental skills include cloning synthetic gene circuits in bacteria, time-lapse fluorescence microscopy, using microfluidic devices, and applying machine learning algorithms for cell segmentation.
My main contributions are generalized constraints that characterize entire classes of systems modelling biochemical reaction networks in cells. These constraints can be exploited with gene expression reporters to detect causal and dynamic properties of gene regulatory networks from population snapshots of gene expression variability. I transitioned to the alluring world of experimental biology and engineered many variants of the celebrated Repressilator gene circuit to turn theory into practice.
I am always excited to share my research in person or via zoom, and fortunate to have given talks at conferences and groups located in Hawaii, Chicago, Las Vegas, Dresden, Manchester, and Montréal.
I obtained a BSc. in Honours Physics and Mathematics from McGill University in 2017, a MSc. in Physics from the University of Toronto in 2019, and a PhD in Physics from the University of Toronto in 2024 advised by Andreas Hilfinger. Currently I am a postdoc in the lab of Alexander van Oudenaarden.